Section 153A IPC – Promoting Enmity Between Groups

by  Adv. Abhijeet Singh  




10 mins


Understanding Section 153A IPC: Safeguarding Communal Harmony and Public Peace


In a diverse and multicultural society like India, maintaining communal harmony and public peace is of paramount importance. To address the issues that arise from communal discord and to ensure the stability of the social fabric, laws have been enacted to curb actions that promote enmity between different groups. One such crucial provision in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) is Section 153A.

Section 153A IPC deals with the promotion of enmity between different groups on various grounds such as religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc. This section aims to maintain public tranquility and prevent actions that could incite violence or discord among communities.

Section 153A IPC: Understanding the Law

Text of Section 153A

The full text of Section 153A IPC reads: “Whoever— 

(a) by words, either spoken or written, or by signs or by visible representations or otherwise, promotes or attempts to promote, on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste or community or any other ground whatsoever, disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill-will between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities, or 

(b) commits any act which is prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities, and which disturbs or is likely to disturb the public tranquility, or 

c) organizes any exercise, movement, drill or other similar activity intending that the participants in such activity shall use or be trained to use criminal force or violence or knowing it to be likely that the participants in such activity will use or be trained to use criminal force or violence, participates in such activity or organizes it, shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.”

Purpose and Intent

The rationale behind the enactment of Section 153A is to safeguard the nation’s social harmony by penalizing actions that incite communal tension and hostility. This provision ensures that individuals and groups do not misuse their freedom of expression to create animosity among different sections of society. It serves as a deterrent against the propagation of hatred and violence based on communal differences.

Facing a Legal Challenge under Section 153A IPC? Our experienced legal team specializes in cases related to hate speech and promoting enmity. Get expert advice and robust representation to protect your rights.

Historical Context

Origins of Section 153A

The origins of Section 153A can be traced back to the pre-independence era when communal tensions were a significant concern for the British colonial government. The law was initially introduced to address the growing instances of communal violence and to maintain public order.

Evolution Over Time

Since its inception, Section 153A has undergone several amendments to address the changing social dynamics and emerging challenges. These amendments have expanded the scope of the section to include various forms of communication and grounds for promoting enmity, thereby strengthening its ability to curb communal discord effectively.

Key Provisions of Section 153A

Promoting Enmity

Section 153A criminalizes any action that promotes or attempts to promote feelings of enmity, hatred, or ill-will between different groups. This includes not only direct actions but also attempts to incite such feelings.

Grounds Covered

The section covers a wide range of grounds on which enmity can be promoted, including religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste, and community. This comprehensive coverage ensures that all forms of communal tension are addressed.

Forms of Offences

The law recognizes various forms of communication that can be used to promote enmity, including spoken or written words, signs, visible representations, and other means. This broad definition ensures that all potential methods of incitement are covered under the law.

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Legal Interpretation and Judicial Pronouncements

Landmark Cases

Several landmark cases have shaped the interpretation of Section 153A. For instance, in the case of Babu Rao Patel v. State of Delhi, the Supreme Court emphasized the need to prove that the accused had the intention to promote enmity and that the words or actions were likely to incite public disorder.

Interpretation by Courts

The judiciary has played a crucial role in interpreting the terms used in Section 153A. Courts have laid down that the intention to promote enmity and the likelihood of inciting public disorder are essential elements to establish an offence under this section.

Accused of Promoting Enmity? If you are facing charges under Section 153A IPC, our skilled defense attorneys can help you navigate the legal complexities and ensure a fair trial. Contact us for a confidential consultation.

Section 153A IPC and Freedom of Speech

Balancing Act

One of the critical aspects of Section 153A is balancing the right to free speech with the need to maintain public order. While freedom of speech is a fundamental right, it is not absolute and can be reasonably restricted to prevent harm to society.

Case Studies

Several case studies highlight the application of Section 153A in cases involving speech or publications that incite communal tension. For example, in Bilal Ahmed Kaloo v. State of Andhra Pradesh, the court upheld the conviction of the accused for publishing material that promoted enmity between different religious groups.

Controversies and Debates

Section 153A has been subject to various controversies and debates, with critics arguing that it can be misused to curb legitimate dissent and free speech. However, proponents contend that it is necessary to prevent the spread of communal hatred and maintain social harmony.

Enforcement and Challenges

Role of Law Enforcement

Law enforcement agencies play a crucial role in the implementation of Section 153A. They are responsible for identifying instances of hate speech and actions that promote enmity, gathering evidence, and prosecuting offenders. The effectiveness of Section 153A largely depends on the vigilance and efficiency of the police and other investigating agencies.

Challenges in Enforcement

Enforcing Section 153A presents several challenges:

  1. Evidence Collection: Proving the intention to promote enmity and the potential impact of the actions can be difficult. Evidence must be concrete and persuasive.
  2. Subjectivity: The interpretation of what constitutes promoting enmity can be subjective, leading to inconsistencies in enforcement.
  3. Judicial Backlog: The Indian judiciary is often burdened with a large number of cases, which can delay the trial and resolution of cases under Section 153A.

Misuse of the Law

There have been instances where Section 153A has been allegedly misused for political or personal vendettas. Critics argue that the law can be used to target political opponents or suppress dissent. Ensuring that Section 153A is applied judiciously and not misused is essential for maintaining its integrity.

Comparative Analysis

International Perspective

Many countries have laws similar to Section 153A to address hate speech and promote communal harmony. For instance:

  • United States: The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, but there are limitations on speech that incites imminent lawless action (Brandenburg v. Ohio).
  • United Kingdom: The Public Order Act 1986 criminalizes incitement to racial hatred.
  • Germany: The German Penal Code prohibits incitement to hatred and violence against different groups.

Learn how to effectively communicate without crossing legal boundaries. Our legal experts provide guidance on compliance with Section 153A IPC to prevent unintentional violations.


Comparing the effectiveness of Section 153A with international counterparts reveals varying degrees of success. In countries with stricter enforcement mechanisms and public awareness, hate speech laws tend to be more effective in curbing communal tensions.

Recent Developments and Trends

Recent Cases

Recent cases highlight the ongoing relevance and application of Section 153A. For example:

  • Amish Devgan Case (2020): The Supreme Court upheld the applicability of Section 153A against a TV anchor for making derogatory remarks against a religious figure, emphasizing the need for responsible journalism.

Social Media and Digital Platforms

The rise of social media and digital platforms has added a new dimension to the enforcement of Section 153A. Online hate speech and digital propaganda pose significant challenges:

  • Anonymity: The anonymity offered by the internet can embolden individuals to spread hate speech without fear of repercussions.
  • Virality: Content on social media can go viral rapidly, amplifying the impact of hate speech and making it harder to control.


Section 153A IPC plays a vital role in maintaining communal harmony and public order in India. It addresses the promotion of enmity between different groups on various grounds, ensuring that individuals do not misuse their freedom of expression to incite hatred and violence.

FAQs on Section 153 IPC

Q1. What is Section 153A IPC?

Ans1. Section 153A IPC is a provision in the Indian Penal Code that criminalizes promoting enmity between different groups on various grounds such as religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste, or community. It aims to maintain public order and communal harmony by penalizing actions that incite hatred and violence.

Q2. What actions are prohibited under Section 153A IPC?

Ans2.  Actions prohibited under Section 153A IPC include promoting or attempting to promote disharmony, feelings of enmity, hatred, or ill-will between different groups through spoken or written words, signs, visible representations, or any other means. It also includes committing acts prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony and organizing activities intended to use or train in the use of criminal force or violence.

Q3. What are the penalties for violating Section 153A IPC?

Ans3. The penalties for violating Section 153A IPC include imprisonment for up to three years, a fine, or both. The severity of the punishment depends on the nature and gravity of the offense.

Q4. How does Section 153A IPC balance with freedom of speech?

Ans4.  While freedom of speech is a fundamental right, it is not absolute. Section 153A IPC serves as a reasonable restriction on this right to prevent actions that incite communal hatred and disrupt public order. The law aims to balance the right to free speech with the need to maintain social harmony.

Q5. What are some landmark cases related to Section 153A IPC?

Ans5.  Some landmark cases related to Section 153A IPC include:

  • Babu Rao Patel v. State of Delhi: Emphasized the need to prove intention to promote enmity.
  • Bilal Ahmed Kaloo v. State of Andhra Pradesh: Upheld conviction for publishing material promoting enmity.
  • Amish Devgan Case (2020): Highlighted responsible journalism and upheld the applicability of Section 153A against derogatory remarks.

Q6. Can Section 153A IPC be misused?

Ans6.  Yes, there have been instances where Section 153A IPC has been allegedly misused for political or personal vendettas. Ensuring that the law is applied judiciously and not used to target political opponents or suppress dissent is essential for maintaining its integrity.

Q7. How does Section 153A IPC address hate speech on social media?

Ans7. Section 153A IPC applies to hate speech on social media, but enforcing it presents challenges due to the anonymity and rapid virality of online content. Law enforcement agencies and judicial bodies must adapt to these new dynamics to effectively address hate speech in the digital age.

Q8. What are the challenges in enforcing Section 153A IPC?

Ans.  Challenges in enforcing Section 153A IPC include:

  • Collecting concrete evidence to prove intent and impact.
  • Subjectivity in interpreting what constitutes promoting enmity.
  • Delays in judicial processes due to backlog of cases.

Q9. How does Section 153A IPC compare with international laws?

Ans9. Many countries have similar laws to address hate speech and promote communal harmony. For example:

  • United States: Limits on speech that incites imminent lawless action (Brandenburg v. Ohio).
  • United Kingdom: Public Order Act 1986 criminalizes incitement to racial hatred.
  • Germany: Penal Code prohibits incitement to hatred and violence against different groups. The effectiveness of these laws varies based on enforcement mechanisms and public awareness.

Q10. What future changes or reforms might be needed for Section 153A IPC?

Ans10.  Future changes or reforms for Section 153A IPC may include:

  • Strengthening enforcement mechanisms.
  • Clarifying definitions and interpretations to reduce subjectivity.
  • Adapting the law to address emerging challenges in the digital realm, such as social media hate speech. Continuous review and amendment are necessary to keep the law relevant and effective in maintaining social harmony.

Understanding and navigating the complexities of Section 153A IPC can be challenging. Whether you're facing charges, need to ensure your communications are compliant, or seek preventive legal strategies, our expert legal team is here to help. With our extensive experience in handling hate speech cases and promoting communal harmony, we provide the robust legal support you need.

Adv. Abhijeet Singh

Adv. Abhijeet Singh


4.7 | 120+ User Reviews

Abhijeet Singh is an advocate who has been offering ethical and professional legal consultancy and advisory services with a focus on achieving desired outcomes. With 7 years of independent practice, He possesses significant expertise in handling legal cases. Abhijeet completed his degree from the University of Mumbai and has been practising law independently ever since.

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