How to Verify and Remove Pending Challans from the Pending e-Challan Blacklist

by  Adv. Anamika Kashyap  




8 mins


Your Complete Guide to Resolving Pending E-Challans and Removing Blacklist Status

Since it takes place online, e-Challan is a clever way to punish traffic violators. In order to prevent additional legal issues, it is crucial for car owners to pay their traffic penalties by the deadline. You can check for the pending e-Challan blacklist and pay the penalty if you forget to do so. We will give you a detailed guide in this post on how to resolve the outstanding traffic tickets.

What are Pending e-Challans?

Traffic infractions that have been electronically recorded but still require resolution or payment are referred to as pending e-challans. These infractions may entail things like speeding, running red lights, parking illegally and more.

An e-challan is sent to the registered owner of the vehicle when a violation is detected by a traffic enforcement camera or reported by a traffic officer. To prevent possible repercussions like higher fines, license suspension or even legal action, it is imperative that these e-challans be addressed as soon as possible.

If you’re dealing with pending e-challans and are unsure how to clear them, you’re not alone. To learn how to quickly check and pay your e-challans, refer to our comprehensive guide to e-challan payments.

How to Check Your e-Challan Blacklist Status

To see if your car is on the pending e-challan blacklist, follow these procedures.

  • Step 1: Go to the parivahan website.
  • Step 2: Type in the registration number of the car.
  • Step 3: Click “Show Details” after completing the captcha.
  • Step 4: You can see the information of the car blacklist, any pending challans and any FIRs.

Reasons for Blacklisting a Vehicle

A car may be placed on a blacklist by the Regional Transport Office for the following reasons.

  • Problems with the paperwork when the ownership of the car is transferred.
  • The car’s yellow board is changed to a whiteboard.
  • Insufficient tax payment.
  • If the car is the subject of a First Information Report (FIR).

If your car is on a blacklist, you can verify the following information as the owner.

  • The number of states in which the car has been placed on a blacklist.
  • The nature of the complaint that was filed.
  • The address where the grievance was submitted.
  • Information on the FIR (First Information Report).

Struggling with Pending Traffic Challans? Let Us Help! Resolve your fines quickly with our Online Traffic Challan Filing service.

How to Pay Pending e-Challan

To pay your outstanding e-challan online, follow these instructions.

  • Step 1: First, go to the eChallan website.
  • Step 2: Select the option to “Pay Online.”
  • Step 3: Click “Get Detail” after entering your car’s registration number and completing the captcha.
  • Step 4: Examine the outstanding challans and pay for them online.

What is the duration of a blacklist?

Getting accepted for new credit products will be extremely tough if you are on a blacklist. If you are authorized, you can also be subject to higher fees and interest rates. For up to seven years, a blacklist might remain on your credit report, making credit restoration challenging.

Some Basic Traffic e-Challan Fines and Penalties

Road permits, pollution certificates and traffic violations like driving without a license would fall under this category. Please be aware that the initial and subsequent fine amounts vary for the majority of the categories. However, repeated violations may result in higher fines. Details are given below: 

Traffic ViolationChallan Amount (Rs)
Driving Under IntoxicationFirst Offense: Rs. 10,000 and/or 6 months in prison
Second Offense: Rs. 15,000 and/or 2 years in prison
Overloading Pillion RidersRs. 2,000 fine + disqualification of license and/or community service for 3 months
Over Speeding VehicleRs. 1,000 for LMV, Rs. 2,000 for MMV
Driving DangerouslyRs. 1,000 – Rs. 5,000, seizure of license and/or 6 months – 1 year in prison
Driving Without LicenseRs. 5,000 and/or community service
Driving Without Valid InsuranceFirst Offense: Rs. 2,000 and/or 3 months in prison, community service
Second Offense: Rs. 4,000
Signal JumpingRs. 1,000 – Rs. 5,000, license seizure and/or 6 months – 1 year in prison
Two-Wheeler Rider Without HelmetRs. 1,000 + license scrapping for 3 months
Riding Without PermitUp to Rs. 10,000
Driving Without A Valid Driving LicenseRs. 5,000 and/or community service
Unauthorized Driving Of A VehicleRs. 5,000 and/or community service
Not Carrying Necessary Documents While DrivingRs. 500
Traveling Without TicketRs. 500
Driving Despite DisqualificationRs. 10,000
Violating Licensing ConditionsRs. 25,000 to Rs. 1 lakh
Driving Without a Valid Vehicle Fitness CertificateRs. 2,000 – Rs. 5,000
Driving Vehicle Without Registration CertificateRs. 2,000
Rules Of Road Regulation ViolationRs. 500
Driving Below 18 Years Of AgeRs. 25,000 with 3 years of imprisonment of guardian or owner
Not Obeying Orders Of The AuthoritiesRs. 2,000
Oversized VehiclesRs. 5,000 – Rs. 10,000 and/or community service
Driving Without Fastening The Seat BeltsRs. 1,000
Negligent DrivingRs. 1,000
Racing Vehicle On Public RoadsRs. 5,000
Not Making Way For Emergency VehiclesRs. 10,000
Stopping At Pedestrian From Crossing Or Zebra CrossRs. 100
Violating The Yellow LineRs. 100
Displaying ‘Applied For’ In Driving License PlateRs. 4,500
Improper Use Of Headlights And/Or Tail Lights While DrivingRs. 100
Signal JumpingRs. 100
Over SpeedingUp to Rs. 1,000
Driving Under the Influence Of Alcohol And/Or DrugsRs. 10,000
Use Of Mobile Phone While DrivingRs. 1,000
Use Of Horn In Silence ZoneRs. 100
Driving Without a Valid Number PlateRs. 100
Using Obstruction To Other Vehicles And PeopleRs. 100
Parking In ‘No Parking’ ZoneRs. 100
Parking On Any Pedestrian CrossingRs. 100
Parking The Vehicle On WalkwaysRs. 100

Clear Your Vehicle’s Blacklist Status Today! Our hassle-free Online Traffic Challan Filing service makes it simple.

Traffic challan & violation related to driving

Traffic ViolationsFine in DelhiFine in Maharashtra Fine in Tamil NaduFine in Uttar Pradesh
Driving under the influence/ Drunken DrivingChallan in court (amount subject to court discretion)₹10,000 (and/or imprisonment for up to 6 months)₹10,000 (and/or imprisonment for up to 6 months)₹10,000 (and/or imprisonment for up to 6 months)
Driving DangerouslyChallan in court (amount subject to court discretion)₹5,000 on first offence (non-compoundable second time onwards)₹1,000₹5,000
Driving against the authorized flow of traffic/Wrong side drivingChallan in court (amount subject to court discretion)₹500-1,000₹500₹500-1,000
Wrong Passing or Overtaking other VehiclesChallan in court (amount subject to court discretion)₹500-1,000₹500₹1000
Driving without Helmet (Rider/Pillion Rider)₹1,000₹500, plus disqualification for holding of driving licence for 3 months₹1,000₹1,000
Disobeying police order or directions₹2,000₹750₹2,000₹2,000
Helmet without strap or strap not tied₹1,000up to ₹1,000
Defective helmet (not confirming BIS)₹1,000₹500, plus disqualification for holding of driving licence for 3 months₹1,000up to ₹1,000
Driving without horn₹500₹1,000
Not giving way to an emergency vehicle₹10,000₹10,000₹10,000₹10,000
Driving in NMV lanes/No entry/One-way roads₹20,000₹200₹2000-₹5000₹2000-₹5000
Driving/Parking on Footpath/Cycle TrackChallan in court (amount subject to court discretion)up to ₹2,000₹300-₹600up to ₹500

Traffic violations, such ignoring traffic signs and lines, can carry little penalties, but if they are not addressed, they can have major consequences. Details are given below:

Traffic ViolationsFine in DelhiFine in Maharashtra Fine in Tamil NaduFine in Uttar Pradesh
Violation of Stop SignChallan in court (amount subject to court discretion)₹500₹1000₹300-₹600
Violation of Stop Line₹500₹500₹300-₹600
Violation of Mandatory Signs (One Way, No Right Turn)₹500₹500₹500₹100
Violation of Yellow Line₹500₹100

Documents needed in India to prevent challan

  • Driving license
  • Registration Certification (RC)
  • Valid insurance
  • Pollution under Control (PUC) certificate

Don’t Let Pending Challans Lead to Legal Issues! File your traffic challans online effortlessly with our expert assistance.

Importance of Traffic Rules in India

  • Road safety and traffic laws help to ensure a smooth flow of traffic.
  • When there are traffic laws and regulations in place, roads are safer for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
  • The number of fatalities from traffic accidents is reduced in part because of traffic legislation.
  • It encourages individuals to walk or drive on the road in a disciplined manner.
  • Racing and other illegal activities on the road are prohibited under traffic legislation.
  • Unauthorized usage and misuse of cars on the road are prevented and controlled in part by traffic rules.
  • They assist in stopping actions such as careless driving and excessive speeding.  

Frequently Asked Questions on Pending E-Challan Blacklist

Q1. How do I remove blacklist status from RTO?

Ans1. Get in touch with the office that issued the registration certificate to get the car taken off the blacklist. Additional information regarding the car on the blacklist will be provided by the official in the relevant office.

Q2. What is blacklist status in Parivahan?

Ans2. The car has been placed on a blacklist. The customer cannot use any Vahan services, such as tax, for that car if it is on a blacklist. Customers must contact the appropriate departments to remove their vehicle from the blacklist before using Vahan services to pay the road tax.

Q3. What is the meaning of blacklist by RTO?

Ans3. When a car is listed as blacklisted in RC, it indicates that the owner has not paid the fine associated with the e-challan that was issued against it. Until the fine is paid and the blacklist status is lifted, it prevents the registration certificate from being renewed. Therefore, you must pay the necessary fines in order to remove your name from the e-challan blacklist.

Q4. मैं आरटीओ से ब्लैकलिस्ट स्टेटस कैसे हटाऊं?

Ans4. मैं अपनी गाड़ी को ब्लैकलिस्ट से कैसे हटा सकता हूँ? गाड़ी को बैकलिस्टिंग से हटाने के लिए, उस कार्यालय से संपर्क करें जिसने पंजीकरण प्रमाणपत्र जारी किया था । संबंधित कार्यालय में मौजूद अधिकारी ब्लैकलिस्टेड गाड़ी के बारे में अधिक जानकारी देंगे।

Q5. परिवहन में ब्लैक लिस्ट स्टेटस क्या है?

Ans5. वाहन को ब्लैकलिस्ट किया गया है। यदि वाहन को ब्लैकलिस्ट किया गया है, तो ग्राहक उस वाहन के लिए कर जैसी कोई भी वाहन सेवा का लाभ नहीं उठा सकता है। रोड टैक्स का भुगतान करने के लिए ग्राहक को संबंधित विभागों से संपर्क करके अपने वाहन को ब्लैकलिस्ट से हटाना होगा और फिर वाहन सेवाओं के साथ आगे बढ़ना होगा।

Q6. How can I clear my blacklist?

Ans6. The National Debt Review Center offers debt counseling. Pay down your outstanding debt and get it closed. Verify your credit report from each of the main credit bureaus and contest any inaccurate information. Seek legal counsel or a debt counselor.

Q7. How can I delete a pending application in Parivahan?
Ans7. Please follow the below process to cancel the application: >> Select State >> Others >> Cancel Application.

Q8. What does being on a blacklist mean?

Ans8. The phrase “blacklist” describes a list of individuals, groups or nations that are avoided or ostracized by others due to accusations of unethical or immoral behavior.

Q9. What are blacklist rules?

Ans9. A blacklist, disallowlist, blocklist or denylist is a fundamental access control method used in computing that permits access to all components (email addresses, users, passwords, URLs, IP addresses, domain names, file hashes, etc.) unless otherwise stated. Access is denied to those objects on the list.

Q10. ई-चालान परिवहन कैसे रद्द करें?

Ans10. अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न। प्रश्न: गलत ट्रैफ़िक चालान को कैसे रद्द करें? गलत ई-चालान के खिलाफ शिकायत दर्ज करने के लिए परिवहन ई-चालान वेबसाइट ( पर जाएँ ।

Q11. What is the duration of a blacklist?

Ans11. Getting accepted for new credit products will be extremely tough if you are on a blacklist. If you are authorized, you can also be subject to higher fees and interest rates. For up to seven years, a blacklist might remain on your credit report, making credit restoration challenging.

Q12. What is blacklist status in a vehicle?

Ans12. Cars that have problems with paperwork during the transfer or those turned from yellow to white because the tax paid was insufficient are typically the ones that are placed on a blacklist.

Don’t let pending fines hold you back. Use our Online Traffic Challan Filing service for a smooth and hassle-free resolution.

Adv. Anamika Kashyap

Adv. Anamika Kashyap


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Advocate Anamika Kashyap has been practising law independently for the last 5 years, during which she has gained extensive experience in handling cases. She offers legal consultancy and advisory services with a focus on achieving ethical and professional results. In addition, her excellent communication skills allow her to articulate arguments persuasively in both written and verbal forms.

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