Inviting Lawyers, Charted Accountants & Company Secretaries

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services accessible


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No scheduling meetings, no client follow-ups. Deliver legal service from the convenience of your home

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Legal Consultation

Legal Documents

Business Registration

Personal Consultation

Business Consultation

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Frequently asked Questions

Is ezyLegal a law firm?

No, ezyLegal is not a law firm. We are a technology platform that connects our network of high-quality lawyers with customers who have legal consultation and documentation requirements.

Why should I register with ezyLegal?


How do I register?

Visit and click Register. Just fill-in your name, Mobile Number and email ID and you get registered. It’s that easy!

Are there any charges for registration?

No, there is no cost for joining the platform. There is no subscription or annual fees. It is and will always remain FREE.

How can I update my profile?

Once you successfully register, Login to your Lawyer account and go to Account settings. You will be able to update your profile details from here. Please update your profile with the maximum details so that it helps us know your expertise and practice areas.

How will I get to know if I have been assigned any task?

You will be notified for every new tasks assigned to you via message and email. Also, every time you login to your ezyLegal account, you will get notified of all activities that have taken place since your last login.

How will I get my Service fee?

After closure of the service delivery, we will make payment of your service fees directly to your bank account registered with us.

How can I delete my profile?

We will be sad to see you go. But at any point in time, for any reason, you wish to leave the platform, you can send us an email at and we will deactivate your account.



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Our Company

ezyLegal is for the people who are determined to succeed, the goals that motivate them, the loved ones who inspire them. We are for technology that makes it easy, lawyers and accountants who make it seem effortless. For the many people who want to start a business, for the many families who depend on them, for the many ideas they need to protect, we are ezyLegal, with you, every step of the way.

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