Stock Valuation Report


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Stock valuation extends beyond simply determining a company’s market price. It’s a crucial process used for various purposes, including ...

Determine Valuation of the company’s Market Value

Financial Modeling of business

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Stock Valuation Report

  • Share financial information

    Customer shares company’s financial data

  • Value is calculated

    Valuer calculates enterprise valuation

  • Valuation Report is issued

    Merchant Banker issues signed report

Arrow pointing to next blockArrow pointing to next block

Share financial information

Customer shares company’s financial data

Arrow pointing to next blockArrow pointing to next block

Value is calculated

Valuer calculates enterprise valuation


Valuation Report is issued

Merchant Banker issues signed report

Contents of Report

  • overview


    The name and registration number of the Merchant Banker and details of the company requesting for Valuation Report.

  • scope-of-work

    Scope of Work

    Outlines the specific shares being valued, along with any limitations or restrictions on the valuation process.

  • methodology


    Details about the approaches and methods used to determine the value of the share.

  • market-analysis

    Market Analysis

    Information about the relevant market conditions, trends, and factors that may impact the value of the share.

  • valuation-results

    Valuation Results

    The final estimated value of the asset, along with any supporting calculations or analyses.

  • valuer-declaration

    Merchant Banker's Declaration

    A statement by the Merchant Banker confirming that the report has been prepared in accordance with relevant laws and standards.

  • signature-and-stamp

    Signature and Stamp

    The report is signed by the Merchant Banker, along with their official stamp or seal.

Benefits of Stock Valuation Report

  • credibility


    The report is prepared by a Merchant Banker/Registered Valuer/CA which lends credibility to the valuation process and assurance to stakeholders.

  • regulatory-compliance

    Regulatory Compliance

    Valuation Report ensures compliance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, SEBI regulations and RBI guidelines.

  • assessment

    Objective and Unbiased Assessment

    It provides an impartial and unbiased valuation, free from any conflicts of interest.

  • risk-mitigation

    Risk Mitigation

    Valuation Report helps mitigate the risk of disputes or disagreements related to the value of the asset.

  • reporting-and-accounting

    Financial Reporting and Accounting

    Premium per share as mentioned in the Valuation Report is used for financial reporting purposes as per accounting standards compliance.

  • accountability-and-ethics

    Professional Accountability and Ethics

    The preparation of a Valuation Report demonstrates adherence to these standards, which enhances trust and confidence in the valuation.

  • methodology

    Documentation of Methodology and Assumptions

    Transparency in method, approach, and assumptions helps stakeholders understand how the value was determined.

Documents Required for Stock Valuation

  • statement

    Financial Statements

    This includes the balance sheet, profit and loss account, and cash flow statements for the last three to five years.

  • report

    Business Plan and Projections

    Detailed business plans and financial projections, including forecasted revenue, expenses, and cash flows for the coming years.

  • Operational

    Shareholding Pattern

    Details about the current shareholding structure, including the number of shares held by each shareholder.

  • leadership

    Minutes of Board Meetings

    Records of board meetings where decisions regarding share valuations, issuances, or transfers were discussed or approved.

  • reports

    Valuation Reports from Previous Years

    If available, these reports can provide insights into the historical valuation approaches and metrics used.

  • Comprehensive search

    Auditor's Report

    An independent auditor’s report on the company’s financial statements ensures the accuracy and reliability of the financial data used for valuation.

  • Legal Enforcement

    Legal and Regulatory Documents

    Documents relating to regulatory compliance, licenses, intellectual property rights, and legal disputes, which might affect the valuation.

  • Application Draft

    Details of Material Contracts and Agreements

    Contracts and agreements that could significantly impact the financials or operations of the company, such as major supply agreements or joint venture contracts.


  • valuation-results

    Determine Enterprise Valuation

  • description_black_24dp

    Issue of Valuation Report signed and stamped

Frequently asked Questions

Why is stock valuation important for the Income Tax Act?


Stock valuation helps determine tax liabilities for transactions involving unlisted shares (shares not traded on a stock exchange) as mandated by the Income Tax Act in India. This ensures fair and consistent taxation for companies and shareholders.

How does stock valuation for tax purposes differ from regular stock valuation?


Regular stock valuation often focuses on a company’s market value for investment decisions. Valuation for tax purposes emphasizes determining the fair market value of unlisted shares following specific methodologies outlined in the Income Tax Rules.

What are some situations where stock valuation is needed for taxes?


Stock valuation under the Income Tax Act is commonly required for transactions like issuing shares at a premium, transferring shares between related parties, or calculating capital gains tax on unlisted share sales.

What factors are considered when valuing stocks for tax purposes?


The valuation process considers the company’s financial health, future growth prospects, relevant industry benchmarks, and methodologies outlined in the Income Tax Rules.

What are the benefits of proper stock valuation for taxes?


Proper stock valuation minimizes potential tax disputes, ensures accurate tax assessments for both companies and shareholders and promotes transparent tax practices.

What does valuation mean in stocks?


Stock valuation refers to the process of determining a stock’s fair market value, essentially the price a willing buyer would pay to a willing seller in an arm’s length transaction.

What is a good PE ratio?


There’s no single “good” P/E ratio that applies universally. A high P/E ratio can indicate that a stock is priced for future growth potential, while a low P/E ratio might suggest the stock is undervalued.

What is a good EPS?


A higher EPS generally indicates a more profitable company. However, a “good” EPS also depends on the company’s industry, growth stage, and other factors.

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  • Mahesh Patel

    Our company's vision extends far into the future. ezyLegal's stock valuation report helped us plan strategically. Their analysis considered not just current financials but also our long-term growth potential. This valuable information helps us make informed decisions that will maximize shareholder value for years to come.
  • Rajeev Sharma

    Negotiating with potential investors can be tricky. ezyLegal's stock valuation report gave us a strong foundation for success! Their accurate valuation report empowered us to negotiate confidently, knowing the true worth of our company's shares. Now we can secure the best possible deals for our business.
  • Amitabh Singh

    Considering issuing new shares in our company, but we need to make smart decisions. ezyLegal's stock valuation report provided valuable insights. Their analysis helped us determine the fair market value for the new shares, ensuring we make strategic decisions that benefit our company's long-term growth.
  • Sahil Kapoor

    Just launched my startup, and things are going great! However, I needed to understand the value of my company's shares for tax purposes. ezyLegal's report was a lifesaver! Their analysis considered everything, giving me a clear picture of my tax liabilities. Now I can focus on growing my business without any tax worries.
  • Meena Verma

    Never thought understanding a company's true worth could be this easy! ezyLegal's stock valuation report goes beyond just the market price. It helped me figure out the real value of the company, especially for taxes. Now I can invest smarter and avoid any tax surprises

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