Intangible Assets Valuation Report


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Intangible Valuation reports provide a comprehensive assessment of the fair value of a company’s intangible assets. These assets can encompas ...

Determine Valuation of the company’s Intangible Assets

Financial Modeling of business

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Intangible Assets Valuation Report

  • Share financial information

    Customer shares company’s financial data

  • Value is calculated

    Valuer calculates enterprise valuation

  • Valuation Report is issued

    Merchant Banker issues signed report

Arrow pointing to next blockArrow pointing to next block

Share financial information

Customer shares company’s financial data

Arrow pointing to next blockArrow pointing to next block

Value is calculated

Valuer calculates enterprise valuation


Valuation Report is issued

Merchant Banker issues signed report

Contents of Report

  • overview


    The name and registration number of the Merchant Banker and details of the company requesting for Intangible Assets Valuation Report

  • scope-of-work

    Scope of Work

    Outlines the specific shares being valued, along with any limitations or restrictions on the valuation process.

  • methodology


    Details about the approaches and methods used to determine the value of the share.

  • market-analysis

    Market Analysis

    Information about the relevant market conditions, trends, and factors that may impact the value of the share.

  • valuation-results

    Valuation Results

    The final estimated value of the asset, along with any supporting calculations or analyses.

  • valuer-declaration

    Merchant Banker's Declaration

    A statement by the Merchant Banker confirming that the report has been prepared in accordance with relevant laws and standards.

  • signature-and-stamp

    Signature and Stamp

    The report is signed by the Merchant Banker, along with their official stamp or seal.

Benefits of Intangible Assets Valuation Report

  • credibility


    The report is prepared by a Merchant Banker/Registered Valuer/CA which lends credibility to the valuation process and assurance to stakeholders.

  • regulatory-compliance

    Regulatory Compliance

    Intangible Assets Valuation Report ensures compliance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, SEBI regulations and RBI guidelines.

  • assessment

    Objective and Unbiased Assessment

    It provides an impartial and unbiased valuation, free from any conflicts of interest.

  • risk-mitigation

    Risk Mitigation

    Intangible Assets Valuation Report helps mitigate the risk of disputes or disagreements related to the value of the asset.

  • reporting-and-accounting

    Financial Reporting and Accounting

    Premium per share as mentioned in the Valuation Report is used for financial reporting purposes as per accounting standards compliance.

  • accountability-and-ethics

    Professional Accountability and Ethics

    The preparation of a Intangible Assets Valuation Report demonstrates adherence to these standards, which enhances trust and confidence in the valuation.

  • methodology

    Documentation of Methodology and Assumptions

    Transparency in method, approach, and assumptions helps stakeholders understand how the value was determined.

Documents Required for Intangible Assets Valuation report

  • statement

    Financial Statements

    Relevant financial data, including income statements and balance sheets that reflect the revenue and profits attributable to the intangible assets.

  • Ownership Rights

    Intellectual Property Registration and Protection Documents

    Documentation proving the registration, protection, and legal standing of intellectual property such as patents and trademarks.

  • Application Draft

    License Agreements

    Copies of current and past licensing agreements for the intangible assets, which can provide insight into their market value and profitability.

  • report

    Historical Revenue Data

    Data showing the historical revenue contributions from the intangible assets, can help in projecting future earnings.

  • Cost Effective Draft

    Cost Records

    Documentation of the development costs related to the intangible assets, which might be relevant in cost-based valuation methods.

  • statement

    Royalty Statements and Contracts

    Documentation of royalty incomes and expenses, if applicable, which can provide insights into the ongoing value generated by the assets.

  • Legal Enforcement

    Legal Opinions

    Legal perspectives on any issues related to intangible assets, such as potential litigations or disputes over intellectual property rights.

  • Comprehensive search

    Management Statements and Forecasts

    Insights from the management regarding the strategic importance of the intangible assets and their future impact on the business.


  • valuation-results

    Determine Enterprise Valuation

  • description_black_24dp

    Issue of Valuation Report signed and stamped

Frequently asked Questions

What are intangible assets?


Intangible assets are valuable resources a company owns that lack a physical form. Examples include patents, trademarks, copyrights, brand reputation, and customer relationships.

Why are Intangible Valuation Reports needed?


Traditional valuations struggle to assess intangible assets because they lack a clear market price. Intangible Valuation Reports employ specific methodologies to determine their economic value for accounting, financial reporting, or strategic decision-making.

What does an Intangible Valuation Report consider?


The report considers various factors specific to each asset. For patents, this might include remaining life and licensing potential. Brand reputation might be assessed through surveys and market research. The report also considers the impact of these assets on a company’s future cash flow.

What are the benefits of an Intangible Valuation Report?


These reports offer transparency and accuracy in financial reporting, attracting investors, securing financing, and making strategic decisions. They are also instrumental in mergers and acquisitions, helping determine a fair value for intangible assets involved.

How do Intangible Valuation Reports benefit businesses?


By providing a clear assessment of intangible asset value, these reports empower businesses to unlock the full potential of these valuable resources for financial reporting, strategic planning, and M&A transactions.

How to value intangible assets on a balance sheet?


The initial valuation of an intangible asset is typically based on the cost incurred to acquire it. After initial recognition, the value of the intangible asset is reviewed for impairment annually. Impairment occurs when the carrying amount (book value) of the asset exceeds its recoverable amount. If impairment is identified, the carrying amount of the intangible asset is reduced to reflect its recoverable amount, resulting in an impairment charge on the income statement.

How do you value intangible assets and goodwill?


Goodwill, an intangible asset that arises from a business acquisition, presents a unique valuation challenge. IFRS dictates that goodwill is not amortized but is subject to annual impairment testing similar to other intangible assets.

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  • Nisha Sharma

    ezyLegal's intangible assets valuation report was a game-changer for my business. The report not only quantified the value of my intellectual property but also provided actionable recommendations for maximizing its potential. I'm impressed by the team's expertise and dedication to helping clients like me unlock the true value of our intangible assets. With ezyLegal's support, I feel empowered to leverage my intellectual property to drive innovation, differentiation, and competitive advantage in the marketplace. Thank you, ezyLegal, for your invaluable contribution to my business success!
  • Rahul Singh

    ezyLegal's intangible assets valuation report was not just a document; it was a roadmap to innovation and growth. The insights provided me with a fresh perspective on the value of my intellectual property, inspiring me to explore new avenues for product development and market expansion. I appreciate ezyLegal's commitment to fostering creativity and innovation through its expert analysis and strategic guidance. With their support, I feel empowered to push the boundaries of what's possible and achieve new levels of success in my business endeavours.
  • Neha Gupta

    I was thoroughly impressed by the level of detail and thoroughness displayed in ezyLegal's intangible assets valuation report. The report covered all aspects of my intellectual property portfolio, providing me with a comprehensive understanding of its value and potential. I'm grateful for the team's expertise and professionalism, which has enabled me to make informed decisions about the management and monetization of my intangible assets. Highly recommended for anyone looking to maximize the value of their intellectual property.
  • Rohit Verma

    ezyLegal's intangible assets valuation report proved to be an invaluable tool in shaping my intellectual property strategy. The insights provided me with a deeper understanding of the market value of my intangible assets and empowered me to make strategic decisions about their management and commercialization. I appreciate ezyLegal's commitment to delivering actionable intelligence that drives business success. With their expertise at my disposal, I feel confident in charting a course for long-term growth and profitability.
  • Priya Sharma

    ezyLegal's intangible assets valuation report was nothing short of insightful. The report provided me with a comprehensive analysis of the value of my intellectual property, shedding light on previously overlooked opportunities for monetization. I'm impressed by the depth of expertise demonstrated by the team at ezyLegal and grateful for their assistance in unlocking the true potential of my intangible assets. Highly recommended for anyone seeking to maximize the value of their intellectual property.

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