SEBI Valuation Consultants


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SEBI valuations offer an independent assessment of a company’s assets, business, or securities, establishing a fair market value. This value ...

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SEBI Valuation Consultants

  • Share financial information

    Customer shares company’s financial data

  • Value is calculated

    Valuer calculates enterprise valuation

  • Valuation Report is issued

    Merchant Banker issues signed report

Arrow pointing to next blockArrow pointing to next block

Share financial information

Customer shares company’s financial data

Arrow pointing to next blockArrow pointing to next block

Value is calculated

Valuer calculates enterprise valuation


Valuation Report is issued

Merchant Banker issues signed report

Contents of Report

  • overview


    Overview of the valuation's purpose and scope, including the regulatory framework and valuation date.

  • scope-of-work

    Executive Summary

    Summary of key findings, valuation conclusion, methodologies used, and significant assumptions.

  • methodology

    Company Overview

    Detailed description of the company's history, business model, and organizational structure.

  • market-analysis

    Industry Analysis

    Overview of the industry, market trends, competitive landscape, and regulatory environment.

  • valuation-results

    Financial Analysis

    Analysis of the company's historical financial performance, key financial ratios, and projections.

  • valuer-declaration

    Valuation Methodologies

    Explanation of the valuation approaches used (Market Price, Income, DCF) and their justification.

  • analytics

    Valuation Analysis

    Detailed calculations, key assumptions, sensitivity analysis, and reconciliation of different methods.

  • form

    Conclusion and Recommendations

    Final valuation conclusion, recommendations for stakeholders, and disclaimers.

  • checklist

    Supporting Documents and Appendices

    Includes audited financial statements, corporate documents, market research reports, and other supporting documents.

  • certificate


    Statement of compliance with SEBI regulations, certification by the registered valuer, and valuer's credentials.

Benefits of SEBI Valuation Reports

  • credibility

    Investor Protection

    Accurate valuations act as a shield for investors. By ensuring fair and realistic pricing of assets, businesses, or securities, these reports prevent investors from being misled by inflated or deflated share prices.

  • Operational

    Enhanced Market Transparency

    Regular and reliable valuations contribute to a more transparent market environment. This transparency fosters trust by providing investors with clear information about a company's financial health and the underlying value of its shares.

  • form

    Streamlined Compliance

    SEBI Valuation Reports simplify compliance with regulatory requirements. Companies that adhere to these regulations can avoid potential legal issues and associated penalties, ensuring smooth business operations.

  • checklist

    Fair and Objective Pricing

    For transactions involving asset exchange, debt restructuring, or preferential share issues, valuations ensure fair and objective pricing. This protects both companies and investors by preventing unfair advantages or disadvantages in the negotiation process.

Documents Required for SEBI Valuation

  • letter

    Company Financials

    Audited financial statements for the past 3-5 years, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.

  • Application Draft

    Corporate Documents:

    Memorandum of Association (MOA), Articles of Association (AOA), and any relevant Board Resolutions or shareholder agreements pertaining to the transaction.

  • reports

    Industry Data

    Market research reports, industry benchmarks, and relevant data on comparable companies or assets.

  • checklist

    Transaction Details

    A detailed description of the transaction, including the parties involved, the nature of the consideration (cash, assets, etc.), and the proposed valuation methodology.

  • cost-effective_15171193

    Preferential Issue of Shares

    Shareholding pattern of the company, details of the proposed preferential issue (number of shares, issue price, etc.).

  • statement

    Open Offer

    Shareholding pattern of the acquirer and target company, details of the open offer (price per share, offer period, etc.).

  • report

    Valuation of Assets (Business) as Non-Cash Consideration

    Detailed information on the assets being transferred, including ownership documents, valuation reports (if any) for the assets, and technical specifications.

  • statement

    Delisting of Shares

    Reasons for delisting, details of the buyback offer (if applicable), and shareholder communication regarding the delisting process.

  • financial-analysis

    Transactions in REIT/InvIT Assets

    Specific details regarding the REIT/InvIT structure, the nature of the transaction (acquisition, disposal, etc.), and any relevant property documents.


  • valuation-results

    Determine Enterprise Valuation

  • description_black_24dp

    Issue of Valuation Report signed and stamped

Frequently asked Questions

What is a SEBI Valuation Report?


A SEBI Valuation Report is a document prepared by a qualified professional, adhering to SEBI regulations, that estimates the fair value of an asset, business, or security. It’s mandatory for various corporate transactions involving listed companies.

Who needs an SEBI Valuation Report?


Publicly listed companies typically require SEBI Valuation Reports for transactions like:

  • Issuing shares for non-cash consideration to promoters.
  • Delisting from stock exchanges.
  • Open offers involving infrequently traded shares.

What are the different types of qualified valuers for SEBI valuations?


The type of valuer depends on the transaction:
Independent Valuer (BSE/NSE Empanelled): For exit opportunities for shareholders of Electronic Listing Companies (ELCs).
Chartered Accountant (CA): For valuing assets (business) offered as non-cash consideration to promoters.
Merchant Banker: For delistings and open offers with infrequently traded shares.

What are the common valuation methodologies used in SEBI valuations?


Three primary methodologies are employed:
Market Price Approach: Compares the subject to similar recently sold assets or companies.
Income Approach: Estimates the future income-generating potential of the asset or business.
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Method: Discounts the asset or business’s future cash flows to their present value.

What documents are typically required for an SEBI Valuation Report?


Required documents can vary, but generally include:
Company financials (past 3-5 years).
Corporate documents (MOA, AOA, relevant resolutions).
Industry data and benchmarks.
Transaction details (parties involved, consideration type).

How long does the SEBI valuation process typically take?


The timeframe can vary depending on the complexity of the transaction and the valuer’s workload. On average, it can take 2-4 weeks.

What are the benefits of obtaining an SEBI Valuation Report?


Benefits include:
Investor protection through fair and accurate valuations.
Enhanced market transparency with reliable information.
Streamlined compliance by adhering to SEBI regulations.
Fair pricing in transactions involving asset exchange or debt restructuring.

What are the consequences of not having an SEBI Valuation Report when required?


Companies may face regulatory penalties, legal issues, and potential delays in completing the transaction.

How can I find a qualified SEBI valuer?


You can search online directories of SEBI-registered valuers or consult with financial advisors for recommendations.

What is valuation under the SEBI Act?


Valuation under the SEBI Act refers to the process of determining the fair value of a company’s securities. This is essential for various regulatory purposes, including public offerings and compliance with SEBI regulations.

Is the valuation of shares compulsory?


Yes, the valuation of shares is compulsory in certain situations, such as for public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

What are the key documents required for an IPO Valuation Report?


In addition to the general SEBI valuation documents (financial statements, MoA, AoA, etc.), IPO valuations require several specific documents:
Prospectus or Offer Document: This document provides detailed information about the company, including its business model, financials, risk factors, and management team.
Business Plan and Projections: Future financial projections and business plans are crucial for assessing the company’s growth potential.
Shareholding Pattern: This details the existing ownership structure, including promoters, institutional investors, and public shareholders.
Valuation Report: Prepared by a SEBI-registered merchant banker or an independent valuer, this report establishes the fair market value of the company.

Are there any additional documents that might be necessary?


Yes, depending on the company’s specific situation, additional documents might be required, such as:
Legal Documents: Details of any significant legal proceedings involving the company.
Corporate Governance Report: Information on the company’s corporate governance practices.
Details of Group Companies: Information about any subsidiaries or affiliated companies.

What documents are essential for a Mutual Fund Valuation Report?


Unlike IPO valuations, mutual funds don’t require documents like business plans or shareholding patterns. However, they have their own set of crucial documents for valuation:
Scheme Information Document (SID): This document provides comprehensive details about the mutual fund scheme, including its investment objective, fees, and risks.
Statement of Additional Information (SAI): This document offers investors further information about the mutual fund and the fund house.
NAV Calculation Methodology: This document outlines the process used to calculate the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the mutual fund units.
Portfolio Holdings: Detailed information on the specific assets held by the mutual fund, including their weightings and valuations.
Valuation Policy: This document outlines the specific valuation methods used for different types of securities within the mutual fund portfolio.

What other documents might be helpful for a Mutual Fund Valuation Report?


While not mandatory, some additional documents can contribute to a more comprehensive valuation:
Audited Financials: Financial statements of the mutual fund scheme itself.
Compliance Reports: Reports demonstrating the mutual fund’s adherence to SEBI regulations.


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  • Sakshi Nair

    We found ezyLegal's SEBI valuation services to be both affordable and high-quality. The detailed report and professional approach exceeded our expectations, and the cost was reasonable compared to other services. Great value for money
  • Rajesh Patel

    The customer support at ezyLegal was exceptional. The SEBI valuation consultant was always available to answer our questions and provide guidance. Their responsiveness and dedication were commendable
  • Pooja Rao

    The consultant from ezyLegal had extensive knowledge of SEBI regulations and industry standards. Their expertise was evident, and their insights helped us make informed decisions. We are very satisfied with their service
  • Karan Mehta

    ezyLegal's SEBI valuation consultants were prompt and reliable. They delivered the valuation report on time and ensured all our requirements were met. Their efficiency made a significant difference to our project timeline
  • Ananya Sharma

    I recently used ezyLegal for SEBI valuation services, and I was impressed by the thorough and professional analysis provided. The consultant explained every detail clearly and helped us understand the valuation process. Highly recommend

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