Property Legal Opinion

We've got the right price for you


900 + Registrations Delivered


Trusted By 500+ Businesses

Property Legal Opinion

₹ 6999

₹ 11655

40% off

Property Legal Opinion

₹ 6999

₹ 11655

40% off


If you have questions regarding our products, speak to our team of Legal Experts.

How to get the Property Documents Checked

  • Upload Property Document

    Upload all Property relevant documents

  • Document verification

    Lawyer reviews the entire Property Document set for identifying deficiencies if any

  • Property Legal Opinion delivered

    Lawyer prepares Property Legal Opinion delivered Report and gives his opinion

Upload Property Document
Arrow pointing to next blockArrow pointing to next block

Upload Property Document

Upload all Property relevant documents

Document verification
Arrow pointing to next blockArrow pointing to next block

Document verification

Lawyer reviews the entire Property Document set for identifying deficiencies if any

Property Legal Opinion delivered

Property Legal Opinion delivered

Lawyer prepares Property Legal Opinion delivered Report and gives his opinion

Registration Process

  • 1

    Upload all the Property Documents

  • 2

    Lawyer reviews the entire Property Document set

  • 3

    Lawyer gets the Encumbrance Search done from the Sub-registrar's office if applicable or verifies the Encumbrance Certificate issued by SRO

  • 4

    Lawyer identifies deficiencies (if any)

  • 5

    Lawyer appraises and on complete satisfaction of all the requirements, prepares the Property Legal Opinion

Frequently asked Questions

How do I know which documents to upload first?


There is no order to upload the documents. All documents related to the transaction are to be uploaded. The lawyer will inform you about missing information (if any).

Can I get the Title of Property checked?


Yes, ezyLegal offers Title check service for a property wherein the title documents of the property are physically checked at the Registrar Office and a clearance of Title is given by the lawyer. Additionally, you may choose to obtain Certified copies of the title deeds from the Registrar Office.

How far back does the Property Title Check go?


We can accommodate your requirement for the duration of the title search you want. However, if particular duration is not specified, the report usually covers title search for 12-15 years

What do I do if I do not have certain documents?


If you are missing certain documents, ezyLegal also offers quick and easy drafting of documents. To know more, click the “documents” section at the top of the website.

What is the process of getting the Property Documents checked from ezyLegal?


After you purchase Property Document Check service from ezyLegal, you will have to upload the entire Property Document set on the portal. ezyLegal will assign this service to a lawyer who will review the documents and give his opinion for the property transaction  

Are there any additional fees I have to pay for this service?


The Property Document Check service covers the Lawyer’s opinion and Consultation. There are no additional charges to be paid beyond the service fees as mentioned on the website

How will the Property Document Check Report be delivered to me?


Property Document Check Report when ready, will be available on the ezyLegal website ( in your secured Account. You will be notified on email and WhatsApp whenever uploaded by the lawyer. You can Log-in and View or Download the report.

Documents/Reports delivered by ezyLegal will always be available in your ezyLegal account forever.

Why Choose Us

Reliable & Trusted

Over 3,000 five star reviews from our customers

Fast & Easy

Get legal contracts drafted from expert corporate lawyers. Agreement drafts are delivered within a maximum of 2 days

Secure & Confidential

Documents and information are always kept private. Information shared with the lawyer are 100% confidential.




  • Rajiv Kapoor

    ezyLegal provided an exceptional Property Legal Opinion Report that was exactly what I needed while managing property affairs from the Middle East. The report was detailed and easy to understand, and it covered all the essential legal aspects of the property. Their expertise and prompt service were greatly appreciated.
  • Meera Singh

    Living in Australia and handling property matters in India can be challenging, but ezyLegal made it seamless with their Property Legal Opinion Report. The report was well-organized and provided clear insights into the property’s legal status. It helped me make informed decisions with confidence. Excellent service for anyone dealing with international property issues
  • Anil Sharma

    I recently used ezyLegal’s Property Legal Opinion Report for a property transaction in India. From Canada, it was crucial for me to have accurate and reliable legal information. The report was delivered promptly and was highly detailed, addressing all legal aspects of the property. The service exceeded my expectations and was worth every penny
  • Priya Kumar

    ezyLegal’s Property Legal Opinion Report was incredibly thorough and professionally presented. As someone living in the UK and managing property investments in India, I needed expert advice to ensure everything was in order. The detailed insights provided in the report were invaluable and gave me peace of mind. Fantastic service
  • Rajesh Patel

    I was thoroughly impressed with the Property Legal Opinion Report provided by ezyLegal. As an NRI residing in the USA, I needed a detailed and reliable legal opinion for a property purchase in India. The report was comprehensive and clearly addressed all my concerns, making the decision-making process much easier. Highly recommend their services for any property-related legal matters.

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