Geographical Indications


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Geographical Indications (GIs) serve as a valuable tool for both consumers and producers in India. Established under the Geographical Indications o ...

Link a product’s origin to guaranteed quality and reputation

Safeguard traditional production methods for authentic regional products.

Make informed purchases and support local producers with clear origin information.

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How to file a Geographical Indication (GI) in India

  • File an Application

    Apply with details like product description, quality standards, and producer representation.

  • Examination

    The examiner checks for completeness and potential issues.

  • Objections and Replies

    If objections arise, you'll receive a notice with a chance to respond or request a hearing.

  • Publication and Opposition

    Accepted applications are published in the GI Journal.

  • Registration

    If approved, the GI is registered, and you receive a certificate.

Comprehensive search
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File an Application

Apply with details like product description, quality standards, and producer representation.

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The examiner checks for completeness and potential issues.

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Objections and Replies

If objections arise, you'll receive a notice with a chance to respond or request a hearing.

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Publication and Opposition

Accepted applications are published in the GI Journal.



If approved, the GI is registered, and you receive a certificate.

Benefits of Registering Geographical Indications (GIs) in India

  • Legal Enforcement

    Legal Muscle

    Registration grants legal protection, allowing rights holders to fight the unauthorised use of GIs.

  • Invention

    Export Edge

    GIs act as a global quality mark, increasing foreign market receptiveness and potentially boosting exports.

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    Economic Boom

    By safeguarding regional product identity and quality, GIs stimulate economic growth for local producers.

  • appraisal

    Informed Consumers

    GIs empower consumers to make informed choices, ensuring they purchase authentic products with guaranteed qualities.

Prerequisites for GI Registration in India

  • checklist

    Prescribed Application Form

    This official form serves as the foundation for your GI registration request.

  • letter

    Statement of Case

    Provide a detailed explanation of your product, highlighting its unique features, production methods, and the crucial link between the product and its geographical origin.

  • appraisal

    Product Details

    Compile information specific to your product, including its unique characteristics, traditional production methods, and the undeniable connection between the product and its geographical origin.

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    Linkage Evidence

    Support your claim with concrete proof. This may include maps, photographs, or historical records that demonstrate the product's inherent link to its geographical origin.

  • reports

    Authorisation or Power of Attorney (if applicable)

    If you're filing through an agent or legal representative, you'll need a formal authorisation letter or power of attorney document.

  • checklist

    Priority Document (if applicable)

    In some cases, a certified copy of a priority document (such as a previous foreign application) may be required.

Registration Process

  • 1

    File application with product details and proof of origin.

  • 2

    The application undergoes examination for completeness.

  • 3

    Address any objections raised by the examiner.

  • 4

    Upon approval, the GI is published for opposition.

  • 5

    If no opposition is filed, the GI is registered.

Deliverables of the Geographical Indications Application

  • letter

    Publication of Application in GI Journal

  • certificate

    Official Registration Certificate Upon Approval

Frequently asked Questions

Who can register a GI?


Associations of producers, relevant organisations, or authorities.

What documents are required?


Application form, statement of case, product details, and proof of origin.

How long does registration take?


Varies, but typically several months to a year.

Is a lawyer necessary?


Not mandatory, but can be helpful for a smooth process.

What are the benefits of GI registration?


Legal protection, export boost, and economic growth for producers.

Does GI registration guarantee quality?


Yes, GIs are linked to specific quality standards.

Can anyone use a GI?


No, only authorised users can use a registered GI.

How long is a GI registration valid?


10 years, with the option for renewal.

What happens if someone uses my GI without permission?


You can take legal action against them.

Where can I find more information?


The Indian Patent Office website ( has detailed resources.

What can be registered as a GI?


Agricultural products, natural products, or manufactured goods with a specific geographical origin.

What are some examples of GIs in India?


Darjeeling tea, Alphonso mangoes, Kanchipuram silk sarees.

Does my product need to be famous to qualify for a GI?


Not necessarily, but it should have a unique character linked to its origin.

What are the costs involved in GI registration?


Fees vary depending on the type of product and can range from ₹500 to ₹40,000.

Can I file a GI application online?


Currently, the application process is paper-based and requires physical submission.

What happens if my GI application is rejected?


You can request a review or file an appeal within a specific timeframe.

Can a foreign company register a GI in India?


Yes, under certain conditions and international treaties.

How can I find out if a product already has a GI registration?


The Indian Patent Office maintains a searchable GI register.

What are some international considerations for GI protection?


Additional registrations might be needed for global protection.

How can I enforce my GI rights against infringement?


You can take legal action in Indian courts against unauthorised use.

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